Do you hear the whisper of your heart?

How to know when your heart is speaking to you… 

You’ve heard about it…

You know you try to do it…

But you’re not really sure when it’s happening for real…

Tuning in and listening to the heart is the most important thing I do in my daily practice as it is from this place I receive my greatest guidance.

You see…

Our heart is our portal to the divine or Source energy.  It is through this space that we can access the experience of pure love and the state of Oneness with all things and the Universe.  Our heart is the crystalline spark that allows us to bring it all together.  Our roots connect us to the earth (drawing every up / and grouding it down), our crown opens to the heavens (drawing down & sending it back up) and all of this energy meets in our heart space.

Our heart is also like amini brain with its own neurotransmitters (same amount as the brain) and an electromagnetic field 5,000 times greater than the brain.  And as part of the process of connection to the earth and the ether (as mentioned above) this field creates a torus field… this same field that every single piece of atomic matter in the Universe has.  This same field is what we think about when we visualise our merakaba.

After years of disconnecting from the truth and placing too much responsibility to our brain now is the time to reconnect with the wisdom

to open yourselves

to listen

and receive the messages being delivered to us by our heart

And how do I know what it is my heart v. my head talking…? 

This is a great question… 

When your head speaks to you it is often convoluted by fear, doubt and all the bullsh#t that our head spins us all the time.

When your heart speaks it is simple, clear and probably of few words… or perhaps no words at all.  Perhaps it is a feeling or a symbol or a knowing.

Heart speak is more grounded and pure… with no questions or worries… it just is.

How to drop into the heart:

I drop into my heart space through awareness and heart breath which, literally described, is breathing in and out through the heart…

and when I do it I focus on and inhale and exhale of love and compassion.

And I find the messages are most clear after a good 5 minutes of heart connectivity or during my meditation, when I feeling most clear I ask my heart for guidance.

Like today… my head has been too busy and fearful for me to find grounding so my husband tuned in instead.

He asked (due to my fear of the possible major earthquake on the West Coast of America predicted for the next few days)…

“Is it a good idea for us to get out of here?”

And the answer was clear…

“YES… No need to panic, or to rush but yes… it is time to move on.”

And so we are…

And so it is…

Love you xx


lunar ebb + flow

e b b + f l o w

Have you been feeling it?
The push and pull of the energy?
One minute on fire
The next derailed
Struggling to find the harmony
The middle ground
Feeling more sensitive to the frequency changes than ever
Unable to plan ahead
Unable to see what comes next
Even when you are usually super planned out
This is the energy for me and so many of my tribe right now
So we breathe, we surrender, we ride the waves and we trust that this fast moving river of energy knows where it’s going.
That we will be delivered to the perfect destination for our dharma.
Resting in the ebb
Rising in the flow
The trick is being able to whole heartedly trust that all is as it should be
The perfect balance between action and surrender
Weaving dreams
Uplifting the world

If life feels weird… and wonky and uncertain right now… please do not worry!

We have just moved through such an intense phase of eclipses and blood moons and we are in full integration mode.  For me, I still feel very much on the precipice of something big… like we are not out of the woods quite yet and this is forcing me to be totally present, unable to look to far ahead with my plans and simply staying grounded, doing my work and allowing the process of  integration and upgrade to unfold.  On the flip side I am feeling the effects of merging with the Solar Light we have been anchoring in and when I can stay out of the turbulence of unhelpful fear and worry I do feel expanded and completely illuminated!  Whether you can feel it or not we have all gone through this process so allow yourselves some space to revel in the magic and bask in the cosmic light!

This phase has been much ugliness rear its head…

Like more natural disasters, Russia calling out the US for their ISIS support (finally) and getting involved in Syria, hospital bombings and many more acts of violence and terrorism..  The New Moon in Libra that we are moving towards this Monday 12 / Tuesday 13 October is highlighting justice and calling in balance and harmony into our world.

Does this mean WWIII has started?  I really don’t know…  but either way life feels wobbly and uncertain right now so it is up to us to continue to anchor the light, meditating on love and peace, and riding out the waves of energy in this intense time.

The New Moon in Libra energises our hopes for peace and fruitful negotiations all around the world… but like anything, we often have to let the darkness run its course before we get back into the light so we may be in for a few more bumps along the way (I am feeling this big time)!

On a personal level this moon calls for justice in our own lives and forces us to sweep away the stuff and relationships that no longer serve us.  This moon calls us to be true to who we are and step into our Soul’s desires.  We may see structures and relationships that we thought were reliable fall away… let them be and trust in this process of metamorphosis.

Life might have gone crazy…

the world might have gone crazy…

but breathe… trust and know in your heart that this is all part of a process that we signed up to long ago.

Ask for the wisdom of this moon and what is is bringing to light in your life and your relationships.

Trust that we are in transition and in times of integration it is normal to feel adrift and a little unhinged.

Everything is as it should be.

And keep casting Peace spells for the World.

Let me know if you have any questions as I am here for you.

One love… and lunar blessings…

SJ xx

For more astro insights please check out Kaypacha’s new report

and this great article from Kelley Rosano

Get ready for the Super Blood Moon Eclipse!

On September 27 / 28 (depending on your location in the world) we will be experiencing a Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Aries.

Many people talk of this Moon signifying the end of the world, and I would tend to agree in a non physical sense (however I believe we are in for some more physical earth changes and challenges) as we are in the process of full upgrade to 5D (to put this in perspective we are currently sitting at around 3 to 4D and have a long way to go to activate to activate our full 12D capabilities – I feel I will need to write a whole post series on this soon whenever I finally stand still).

There is so much energetic charge in the air it could be making us feel awesome but could also be wiping us out.

According to my beloved, I was vibrating all night in bed two nights ago and I awoke feeling less than rested… I guess what I am saying is that there is SO MUCH HAPPENING to your energy body behind the scenes and we are in FULL UPGRADE MODE!

This Super Blood Moon is also the final in a rare tetrad that concludes this weekend… and we are called to ground the frequency , let go of over analysis of conspiracy theories and fear (you may have heard of Nibiru and asteroids coming at the earth etc) and allow ourselves to soften into this awakened space with an open and accepting heart – fully awake to the magic that is now oh so available to us providing we are able to drop the baggage (like seriously… DITCH IT ALL) and BELIEVE… fully recognising yourself as the AVATAR YOU ARE !!

Here is a little more info about moons that you may be interested in… supplied by a handy source at Forever Consciousness.

Harvest Moon: the full moon that is closest to the Spring/Autumnal equinox and is usually a powerful time of change and new beginnings.  This is what happened this week. 

Super Moon: when the moon is closer the earth due to it’s rotation and orbit. This is usually a time where the energetic effects of the moon and emotions run high and are felt stronger.

Blood Moon: when the earth casts a shadow on the moon causing the suns light to hit the moon and make it appear red. The term is also used to describe four total Lunar Eclipses.

Over history when we have had a tetrad of Blood Moon Eclipses it has signified powerful events and earth changes… and this one is no different as it is a portal bringing in a new frequency to create a new way of BE-ing on Earth with more access to the metaphysical, awakened DNA and more access to the realms of Spirit.

The fact that our Earth is moving into a new area of space is one of the reasons we are experiencing this upgrade…  and as cool as it all sounds, this process may not be fun for some.  Already I have seen more people passing in this last week than ever before and my facebook feed has been flooded with RIP notes (not to mention crazy earth events like cleansing fires and earthquakes).  I don’t believe that this is a coincidence as in big times of change many souls who have;

a) already completed their light worker mission on this planet (I feel this in relation to Jo Mall who passed earlier this week after a battle with cancer), or;

b) struggle with the upgrade to the new frequency due to being too stuck with the old ways or clinging on to baggage.

These energies are a lot for our physical vessels to handle and I really feel that we are going through a huge clearing process on earth and this may mean some people leave their physical bodies.  As sad as this is please rest assured that all is happening as it should and those souls made this deal long before they arrived so the best we can do is send them on with love, compassion and gratitude.

As a free will Universe it is always our choice whether we go with the flow or we fight the change… but rest assured this is happening whether we like it or not.  One thing I know for certain is that this shift is extremely powerful and will definitely give rise to a new way of being and thinking!

Maybe you have already been feeling these changes (and I’d love to hear about your experience) I urge you to walk on with confidence and love… and open your self to receive.

Please ensure you:

DITCH THE BAGGAGE – by baggage I mean the old stuff that could be holding you down in a lower reality.  Let go of the hurts, the past and all of the old conditioning to make space for the new templates.  The more you hold on and resist, the harder this process will be for you.

GROUND – becoming the clear channel to bring the frequencies into your being.

GET OFF THE GRID – turn off the wifi and get in nature.  The more time we can spend away from the computer the more we can activation our own connectivity and receptivity! I feel grateful for these past weeks where I have only have 1 hour of computer time per day as I have been sleeping up mountains and in forests.  If you can make this happen – DO IT!

REST & RECHARGE – to allow your own healing process to take place.  This is BIG WORK that is going down so listen to your body and your intuition to discover how you need to integrate.

TRUST & SURRENDER - allowing yourself to fully let go, feeling confident that everything is happening as it should.

REJOICE – this is the dawning of the New Earth and it is a time for celebration!  The moment you realise how magic you really are is not to be brushed off… this is freaking EXCITING!

More on 5D… 

For those of you who are already running 5D please keep up the good work.  We are on the front line anchoring the frequency into the planetary grids.

How do you know if you are running 5D?

This is a good question… and I’m not sure if I a the best person to answer this as I am still on my journey.  However, the changes I have experienced in my vibration, my energy pathways, my meditations and access to Spirit have been immense.  I will sit with this and tell you more in the coming days as I feel it is what you need to know.

All my LOVE – as always I am here for your questions… and I LOVE to receive your emails with your experiences!

Please enjoy this most incredible time on this planet!
