Hold the Mother

Rising as Mother is a journey of becoming.

Shedding outdated flashy maiden ways to arrive in the realms of grounded embodiment. A slow cooking, tenderising, deepening into a new realm of love. An often uncomfortable surrender into the well of innate power that lies within you, as we release old skins and identities to the alchemical fire of transformation.

Resting into this season of chopping wood and carrying water, becoming the wise woman and accessing new dimensions of inner knowledge, humbled again and again as we meet so much newness.

I have always said that Motherhood is the greatest mystery school, filled with endless cycles of death and rebirth. Unforeseen initiations arriving inviting you walk through the fire again and again.

And, the deeper I descend into my season of mother and matriarch of my home temple space, the more I have felt myself being prepared to hold the mothers.

And, after creating a new instagram profile @deepmotherhood as the home of more "mother-centric" sharing, I’ve received many reflections of how beautiful it has been to witness this evolution of myself and my service. Not that my other work lacks depth or potency, but the deeper I drop and the more I become, the more I receive.

Motherhood has shaped me. Forever changed me.
Of course birthing my son was big. But the years that followed have been so much more.
And I know I have many more unknown pathways to walk on this journey.

Until this moment I can’t say I’ve been ready to really serve the Mother.
And the mothers. But this time… feels like the moment.



This is for women who long for a safe and loving space to be witnessed in their motherhood journey. Our 1:1 experience is tailored to your needs, and can unfold over our time together.

Together we can navigate topics like:

  • unpacking the initiation of birth, through the body

  • sensuality and erotic motherhood, reconnecting with your yoni and sexuality postpartum.

  • re-wilding your motherhood journey and connecting to and trusting your innate wisdom, deprogramming from societal conditioning around what Motherhood is “meant” to look like

  • womb healing and clearing work

  • maiden to mother / matrescence

  • making space for the full expression of all parts of you to keep your creative energy alive

  • integrating the mother priestess codes

  • cultivating abundance as Mother

  • conscious parenting and holding space for these incredible new children

  • and so much more.

I am here to hold you

as you integrate the newness and enormity of this journey

to stand by your side, as a fellow mother and strong pillar of love and support.



  • 3 x 1:1 mentoring calls over 30 days

  • Whatsapp voice message + email support

PRICE - 555 euros



  • 6 x 1:1 mentoring calls over 3 months

  • Whatsapp voice message + email support

PRICE - 888 euros


  • 9 x 1:1 mentoring calls over 6 months

  • Whatsapp voice message + email support

PRICE - 1111 euros