Why I love my moon cup

I’m sure you’ve heard of a moon cycle…

but what is a moon cup you might ask?

For many years (like a decade or longer) I was completely disconnected from my natural rhythms.  I missed my period all the time and had no idea when I would ovulate.

I have done a million pregnancy tests in my time as I simply had no clue what was happening in my womb.

Like so many women of our time I had disconnected from the wisdom of my female body and had disrupted my natural way of being through an unhealthy lifestyle of excessive exercise, partying and dieting (or more starvation).

Flash forward some years and I have cleaned up my act, found the healthy balance, gained a deeper connection to my body through yoga, mindfulness, breath and healing and got regular again (and my moon even just corrected itself to come with the full moon – yes!! I have been asking for this for ages – more on this in my next newsletter!)

Something that has really helped me get connected to my moon cycle is using a moon cup…

I’m going to tell you all about the joys of moon cups and goddess moon cycle rituals in this VLOG!

Make your own self care your first priority

Holding space for women across the globe requires big energy, particularly as the women I seem to attract on my retreats are so powerful, so it is essential that I have a good self care ritual in place to ensure that I am as full and integrated as I can be to be the vessel for the energy.

Regardless of our job we are all holding space and working with energy in some way so making space for YOU is so essential in our busy world so I urge you to watch this VLOG all about how I like to keep my energy high and my vessel as full as I possible can.

Good things come to those who hustle

“Good things come to those who hustle” 

I think Anais Nin said it and  I remember when I posted this a while back.  I thought it was so cool…

and it got a lot of likes on facebook (which must mean it’s cool)!

Hustle hard and all is coming… maybe that could be another one.

Anyway… now when I read this line I realise how much has changed for me… and continues to change for me every single day.

I used to think life was about creating furiously, achieving, doing more to truly be seen… to be acknowledged… to be successful.

And what the hell is successful anyway?  Is it having lots of money, a booming business, a bestseller…?

or is it having a deep connection with those around you, a life that allows you to stop and smell the roses… to actually take the time to appreciate what you are creating?

and I don’t mean on weekends away or mini vacays to Bali… I mean the ability to find the time to be slow enough to devour every moment rather than rushing through for more, more… MORE!

Don’t get me wrong… 

Hustling gets you somewhere… for sure…

if you work HARD, put in the time and the energy you will get rewards, particularly in the short term.

and I have to confess to you that it is still my knee jerk way to be and even right now in a moment of desperate creativity I tried to chase down a project that wasn’t meant for me. I had a vision, an expectation and I wanted to MAKE IT HAPPEN and then I felt funky when it backfired.  I didn’t listen… I didn’t tune in… I simply got my hustle on and moved into my old behaviour of pushing hard…  and it was not aligned… and I felt deflated for a moment.

But I want to ask you a question…

is the path of hustling really sustainable or is it just a one way ticket to burn out?

and burn out can be beautiful because it is in these moments of total surrender that we learn… we are forced re-evaluate what is really important to us…

so I guess in someways we will always get there in the end.

These days I am feeling more inclined to choose the path of least resistance… or ease and grace… choosing to do maybe 2 – 3 retreats rather than this year’s 6 (yes – I am always learning and re-evaluating).  To take the journey of allowing life to unfold rather than chasing down every opportunity… networking your ass off and … well… hustling (most of the time).

There is a way to work smarter and it is from the heart

From the space of alignment with the natural laws.  To operate in harmony with your natural rhythms

and I think if you get quiet and ask your innate what it wants it will choose to be easier on itself.

So today I am changing my words…

Good things come to those who operate from their centre, in alignment with Spirit.

Love you xx