Ask and thou shalt receive

I’m sure you’ve heard these words before… either in a scripture from Sananda (or Jesus) or another self development blog or forum.

And I want to ask you a question – do you really believe that you can ask and get what you want?

I mean … really believe?

Believe that you can get the help you need in any moment, call in your twin flame, call in abundance, discover your mission on this planet, launch your projects, find a dream home…  and the list goes on… and on… and on!

In my meditation this morning I was told I needed to remind you of this… to remind you that help and Universal assistance is but a mere phone call away.  Dialling in the support of a whole company of energetic light beings, of ascended masters, of angels, of goddesses, of energy bodies here to help you (yes YOU – you have your own dedicated support team and they are feeling under utilised)…!

All you need to do is get quiet, dial up the cosmic frequency and lay it all down.

Lay down the wishes…

Put your hands up and say “OK… I’m tired of doing it all on my own.  Can you please help me?!”

Sometimes the answers flow freely for me… sometimes I feel myself blocking the energy.  Right now, my own practice is centred around asking for help to get out of my own way. To become truly open to the energy of Source and than allowing my busy mind to run the show.  To become the hollow bone… the vessel… the conduit bringing the messages and the healing energy to the earth.

Now, my beautiful Mum who has been channeling for many years once told me that our energetic cheer squad (as I like to think of them) can only help when we are OPEN and in a state of ALLOWING.  When we are stamping our feet, having a tantrum, so caught up in our own drama all they can do is stand back and watch and send us love.  Somewhat like a two year old having a throw down in supermarket whilst a patient Mum tries her best to make it stop… sometimes she just has to stand back and allow the flailing limbs and screaming to end of it’s own accord… generally in an exhausted heap.

Our Galactic & energetic supporters can only step in when we give them permission and we fully ALLOW them to come through.

We can all channel if we are open to it.  It is just like tuning a radio and I have found myself receiving messages since I was a child, but depending on how tuned in I am, I may only receive abut 1/24th of what I’m being sent.  It is a practice and once you find the station (again like a radio) you are locked and loaded… and it is freaking cool!!

The more our world shifts (and it is at a rapid rate) this stuff will become common place… we will no longer need the harmful wifi as we will be so linked into the Universal grid that we will be able to access whatever we need simply by tuning in… and we will be able to teleport, bi-locate, and communicate telepathically… maybe we already are and our conscious mind hasn’t recognised it!?

YES – this may sound out there but we are on our way dear ones… and I am bubbling with excitement.  Every day I am remembering more and more of my gifts and going within to re-learn how to use them.

This is what I feel and what I have been told.  AND I am so excited to be on earth at this time – right?  How cool is it?

So make this your daily practice:

  • Take some deep breaths into your belly to allow yourself to drop into you body and into a state of meditation.
  • Feel your energy grounding down into the crystalline core of the earth (spiralling down your spine)
  • Feel your energy spiralling up from your root chakra
  • Feel this energy meeting in your heart and activating your torodial field (more on this in another post)
  • Feeling your energy moving in it’s perfectly dynamic flow process
  • Now allow your mind to be free from thoughts… don’t panic if this feels impossible.  Just be at one with whatever comes up for you.
  • Start to call in your guides, your angels – ensuring that you only ask for those who are working with you for your highest good.  Those who love you completely.  So long as you are in a space of love, confidence and divine protection your field will bounce off any negativity.  Like attracts like so BE THE LOVE and remove the fear and anxiety… and I know this can be a little tough when you are new to this.  I promise I have been free-styling this work intuitively since I was a kid and although I have become aware of dark energy from time to time I have always felt completely protected as light always triumphs over dark.
  • Ask all the questions your heart desires… I like to FEEL the answers.  Sometimes I hear a voice but usually it is more of a feeling.  Sometimes I suspect I could be having a conversation with my mind which is all too possible as it is very noisy but then there are other moments when I feel I am in complete communion with Spirit.       
  • Thank your guides and allow yourself to come back into your body with a deeper breath, with a little movement… maybe even lie down for a moment to integrate.
  • I also find journaling afterwards keeps the messages flowing…

WOW – This was supposed to be a post about simply asking for help and it definitely got a little juicier.   

I suspect all of my work is going down this path as this is where I am being told I need to go… so I hope you like and are up for coming on this journey with me!

I would love to hear how you find these ideas and this technique.

Big Monday love to you all… 

Now go forth and ask for help!

And email me if you have any questions –


The forgotten goddesses

In the past years I have been called from my heart and from the messages I receive in my meditations to connect with the forgotten goddesses… the lesser known female ascended masters… 

I feel these powerful incarnations of the divine feminine hold part of the key to the healing of our Mother Earth and our awakening from our long dark slumber.  These powerful female energies will aid our journey of transmutation back to the light…

and holy heck, are we ever in a state of transformation right now…?! This is the time to be doing the light work my dear ones!

In order to help educate and uplift you on your own journey of awakening, thus in turn helping the global mission of helping Gaia in her own process of ascension (because we know that by awakening ourselves we shine out own light triggering the greater awakening of the planet), I feel to share my ‘go to’ goddesses as I feel you may also like to invoke them for support and guidance on your journey.

Female ascended masters who are my key confidants are Quan Yin, the divine goddess of mercy and compassion, Mary Magdelene (or Lady Master Magda) the twin flame of Sananda (or Jesus), Goddess Isis (who I am deeply connected to through past life work at the Isis Temple in Egypt – more on that later)  and to a lesser extent Lady Nada who works in endless loving service to the field of healing and truth.

I will introduce them (and a few more I love and work with) over a series of posts with some processes to help with to welcome them into your energy field (because I promise they are standing by waiting for your call).

In part one of this post I would like you to meet Quan Yin:


Quan Yin is a female star in the Buddhist tradition and, although Buddhism has never really resonated with me I feel her presence with me always.  She embodies the qualities of compassionate and loving kindness is also a powerful Master of healing.  She is the divine feminine equivalent to Mother Mary, Goddess Isis and Shakti and her full name means “She who listens to the cries of the World”.  She has vowed to remain in the earthly realms until all other living souls have completed their own enlightenment.  She is selflessness and compassion personified and inspires me to do my best to operate from the space of unconditional love. 

Quan Yin works with us to help us in attaining the qualities of compassion, forgiveness and love.  She wants us to heal our heart chakra and relieve the wounds of our emotional body.  She helps us remove the blocks that keep us stuck in a state of non-belief in our gifts, or lack of self confidence… or in any state of hurt or emotional pain.   So many of us carry old wounds that we may not even consciously connect to in this life… I mean really old energetic baggage from many many lifetimes ago.  These may leave us feel unloved, unsure of who we are  and perhaps assuming the role of the archetypal energy of the victim.  In order to move forward, specifically in this time of huge transition and awakening we must let go of the stuff and resolve the parts that we are carrying like old, heavy and harmful baggage that we have come to view as our “story” when it isn’t really a part of us at all…. not who we TRULY are anyway.  

Quan Yin helps us to understand that we are loveable and loved, and this enables us to be loving and forgiving towards others.  When we find the love & compassion in our own heart first then we re able to shine it out to the world.

 Quan Yin’s message is simple: (and I quote from the Lightworkers network)

You as me: “what is Karma?” Well, let me tell you this, it is not a punishment. It is, rather, a balance sheet of cause and effect that YOU keep for yourself. All of life presents you with lessons to learn, for that, after all, is the point of being in physical existence. If you had nothing more to learn, or if you had chosen not to learn but to remain in ignorance, then you would not have left the heart of God. And you need to see and understand those lessons from both sides, and to experience all aspects of life: happy and sad; calm and stormy; pain and peace. And you also need to gain the realisation that all actions have consequences, and that some actions bring you closer to your Christ-self – your Divine Self – than others.

If returning to Unity with God is your ultimate goal, then you need to live AS God: as  a loving, compassionate and merciful being of Light. For it is that path that brings the most peace to your soul and the most joy to your heart. Can you imagine a life full of peace and joy? Try now…. You can have this if you choose, for you make many choices every day – you can choose to be humble and forgiving; loving and giving in thought, word and deed; a friend to yourself as well as a friend to others. You do not have to carry the burden of unhappiness or discontent, if you choose not to. Unburden yourself daily of all hurts, troubles and upsets that have beset your day and sincerely ask for the Flame of Forgiveness and Mercy to transmute wrongs (real or perceived) done to you, or that you have done to others and I will intercede for you.

 I work with Quan Yin in the following way… 

When I meditate I first connect into the hollow crystalline core of the earth, feeling my feminine energy travelling down through my crown chakra.  I also envisage my divine masculine energy travelling up from the Earth, activating each chakra on the way up…

.. and then these energies meet in the heart.

Once in the heart I call on Quan Yin to help me move through and let go of the old and to find and remain in a space of heart, love and compassion and I feel this is a deep pink/purple flame.  This is the Mercy flame of divine love tempering the divine will of God helping to facilitate transformation by letting go of the old and compassion.

I call on Quan Yin to be with me and walk by my side, really asking for help on anything that I am going through.

It’s actually funny for me to write this process down as it is something that is very intuitive and usually at the same time I am working with a whole company of heaven and the Galactic Light Federation (but more on them  later – I think I am being off planet enough for you now ).

I also feel I had a very strong communion with Quan Yin whilst meditating with Ida Resit Alit a High Priestess who gives water blessings near Ubud in Bali.  She came to me and showered me with her Mercy flame and her sacred tones of sound healing.  If you are ever in Bali I highly recommend spending as much time with Ida as you can.  If you come to my next Bali retreat with me in May 2015 we will all go for a healing together.

I would love you hear your experience of working with Quan Yin and if this wort of sharing resonates with you.  This information and works feels very powerful for me to share so I would love to her your feedback.

PS  - this is just the tip of the iceberg… there is so much exciting work to come!



I surrender to the flow of life

I need to make an announcement – my life feels unbearably CRAZY right now!!!!

I’m building 6 international retreats, marketing my ass off, eating too much raw chocolate (just to be OK – it’s my security blanket), planning an overseas wedding, teaching teaching teaching and packing up a life and house for at least 12 months of instability on the road.  

And, in all honesty, I’m questioning myself daily on why they hell I am constantly making things so hard for myself.  Why I always have to play bigger, be more adventurous, be a warrior goddess weaving dreams across the globe…? 

Why can’t I just be LAZY?

But in my heart I know why… I’m living my current mission.  Shining my light and helping people wake up from their slumber of ignorance…. and I yearn to GROW… to see what I’m made of… to truly realise my gifts… this is like REMEMBRANCE BOOT CAMP… and sometimes it is challenging! (and secretly I kind of hope one day this will all happen from my magical farms – one in Byron and the other in Ibiza, surrounded by my community and veggie garden with my love rather than having to keep packing it all up and starting over in foreign lands).

After a weekend in Byron, away from the computer, surrounded by people who feel very much in their flow and living a simplified life I had a TOTAL MELT DOWN! A couple of day of staying with friends and being on other people’s schedules I began to react. I observed how tightly wound I’ve been lately and how the smallest things are throwing me out… Like not being able to eat when I want, have time on my own, sleeping in different beds etc.  Now, I’ll have to clarify that everyone who has hosted us was 100%  AMAZING and it was simply a rearing of the ugly head of my stress and sh#t that rocked my world.

But WOAH … It was big… Tears, tantrum, like a CRAZY LADY! I felt rattled but it made me realise how much pressure I have been operating under lately … And the pot boiled over, or more EXPLOded!

So, after taking myself off for some time out I made a choice, inspired my my compadres – to completelysurrender to the flow…

I’ve never been the best as completely being ok with surrender. I’m a planner, especially around food and things I perceive I need to be ok… But when living the life I keep choosing with travel and gypsy-dom going with the flow goes with the territory… And I mostly suck at it! So day by day I create more opportunities to try to make me learn acceptance… Just like this weekend.

Now… here are some channelled words I want you to read, feel and absorb into your cellular being:

Dear Ones

Anything is possible when you believe. Believe in your self, and your right to be happy and fulfilled, and the perfection of everything. Believe in your brilliance, and your importance, and your essential connection to the entirety of creation, and believe that surrendering to life will place you in situations, and afford you opportunities to be all that you are, and will transform your life into the life of your dreams, and you will assist life in making it happen. 

You are a powerful creator. But all too often, you stand in your way. You resist, and you struggle, and you thwart all attempts that life makes to place you where, deep within, you really want to be. You allow your mind and your conditioning and your patterning to dictate the possibilities, and you then accept them as your fate and your lot, when truly, the sky is the limit. There are no limitations except for the limitations you place upon yourself. 

Dear Ones, if your heart and your passion is leading you, if you hit roadblocks, and naysayers, and doubts creep in and try to stop you, or sabotage your efforts before you begin, just believe in your right to be happy and fulfilled, and believe in the perfection of everything, and stop fighting. Surrender to the flow of life and let it carry you along. There is a plan for you, Dear Ones — a perfect plan! All you have to do is believe and trust that life knows this, and always has your greatest life in mind, and allow yourself to be taken there. Yes, it’s a choice that you make every second of every day. Do I resist, or do I allow? Do I judge, or do I accept? Do I face whatever is before me with equanimity and courage, or do I run for the hills and hide? All choices — choices that we make everyday. Be aware, and conscious, and present. And see what happens. Really, what do you have to lose? Your time? Your stuff? Your relationships? Yes, you could lose some or all of that and more. But what do you have to gain? Peace of mind? Fulfillment? Joy? New relationships? New career? New stuff? 

Really, it all comes down to this: Are you happy with your life? Are you enjoying your life? When the time comes to say goodbye, will you feel satisfied that you lived a great life? Will you be able to leave without regret? If you can look at your life and say yes, then congratulations, well done, carry on as you are doing. If you think though that your answer might be otherwise, then we highly recommend that you seriously consider risking the possibility of regret on the possibility of fulfillment and joy, on the possibility that you just might discover a little more of who you really are and what you are really made of, on the possibility that you can transform your life into a life of purpose and meaning and contentment, on the possibility that you can wake up every morning and feel excited by life, and go to bed every night satisfied, ready for rest, and with great expectation and joy for the day to come. 

Bless you, Dear Ones. We love you dearly, and wish you the peace, joy and contentment that we feel. 

The Guardians (through Mathew Hart)

So with these word in my heart,  I took a deep breath and finally allowed my life to roll like a perfect wave ~ and would you believe it?!   What was a fairly dire morning of fighting upstream became and incredible afternoon of picnics by a waterhole at the base of Mount Warning with incredible people talking about how we can unite to heal the world. I had a healing from a new wild vagabond friend and danced like a goddess in my new Spell kimono… 100% connected to heart, the earth and to the order if the Universe… WOW!

I am forever grateful to all of the situations I place myself in and the guides I meet along the way who help me learn so much about myself.  This life is truly and ADVENTURE!

Are you with me?