temple body - bali immersion
april 27 - may 3
you are the chalice. a living mystery school of flesh, blood and bone.
roots deep. recalibrating to your innate rhythm. harmonising with nature.
over 7 days, 6 nights in Bali come and rest your bones.
join a loving circle of women, to submerge in the deep feminine current and restore erotic aliveness,
to become fully resourced.
becoming soft and supple, spacious and surrendered.
moved by the moment, yielding to the current of life.
meet yourself as you are.
in all of your flavours. the full range of you.
walk the medicine wheel of your elemental nature.
soft, unfurled, aroused, erotic, creative, wild, messy, magnetic.
rested. rooted. radiant and rejuvenated.
all of you through the temple of your body.
this week is an invitation to meet yourself as nature, to recalibrate yourself to the pulse of your rhythm.
to shed the layers of identity and illusion, stripping back to what is real and true.
honouring your body as the temple and the oracle, a living map of creation.
deeply connected and in communion with our earth.
what to expect?
During this immersion you will explore your temple body through somatic movement, elemental wisdom, feminine embodiment, sensuality, womb wisdom, voice activation and much more.
Finding your natural feminine spiral, meeting medicine of descent,
safe to open in your full bloom of erotic aliveness.
listening deeply to the wisdom of the primal body. savouring with all of your senses.
we will dance, undulate, rest, play, release and hold each other as a circle of women.
taking a huge exhale from the stress and pressure of life, to come home and become whole.
releasing the burden you carry, softening your hard shell,
loved back to life by the land of Mother Bali,
enlivened by this full exploration of you.
$1600USD full price // $1400USD early booking
Payment plans to suit your needs are available. Early booking open until March 31.
6 nights accomodation + amazing vegetarian food at our beautiful retreat space in Bali
teaching sessions + excursions into the land
flights, transfers and insurance are your responsibility
“This journey cracked open what was left of the tough amour that my patriarchal upbringing had raised me to wear. I arrived as a mother and left as a wild woman, alchemist, crone, warrior, maiden, teacher, student, enchantress, wife and queen. I now feel lighter, freer and much more confident in my divine feminine power.
Sarah-Jane is a womb wisdom keeper, international facilitator of feminine embodiment and curious explorer the body as the mystery school and vessel of alchemy.
She is passionate about her work with women in the space of sensuality, accessing the erotic current, re-wilding the body, deep nourishment and self resourcing and is known for her realness and warmth. Her deep relationship with Egypt began at 9 years of age and guiding people back to these golden lands is a big part of her soul mission, listening in to inner wisdom and unlocking the codes of the solar feminine, and the path of the serpent and the rose. Her initiation into motherhood created a deepening into devotional love of the mother, and this current is a pillar of her work.
“This has been the most transformative time of my life so far. It was the first time I ever connected with myself by being grounded in my body and not my mind. The effects of this deep journey will be rippling within me always. Sarah-Jane gave me the space to grow in a safe and nurturing cocoon filled with love and nourishment. It was more than healing – it was invigorating. Sarah-Jane opened the gateways to a world I didn’t know I had access to.”
“I have been working for years to uncover and embrace an empowered self. What I failed to realise was that the feminine archetypes would be instrumental in connecting my brain and body with remembering my divine self. ”
“There are no words to describe my time with Sarah-Jane + our circle of sisters. We danced and sang, laughed and cried. We explored the depths of our our feminine power and remembered our radiance. We invoked the fierce energy of Kali and I don’t think I’ve smiled, laughed or danced so much in my life, and it was pure bliss! When I left Australia, I was SO depleted. Now, my cup is full and I’m brimming with fresh inspiration. The energy of my left ovary - the feminine, receptive side - is luminous and pulsating. I’d been neglecting her a lot, and she finally received all the space and nourishment she’d been asking for. My right ovary - the masculine, expressive side - had been feeling overworked and depleted! Over the last week, he’s been able to hibernate and replenish while the feminine came out to play! My pelvic bowl is feeling so nourished and balanced now... which means that I can create in a more sustainable way, dancing between the feminine and the masculine as necessary.
There’s so much more to share, and the ripple effect of this week will be unfolding for a while...but it’s safe to say there have been so many upgrades and aha moments that have changed me irrevocably. I’m more anchored in my truth and my power than ever. I’m less afraid to take up space and own my voice. I remembered how good it feels to prioritise play and pleasure, and delight in the sweetness of life. And, I have 14 new sisters cheering me on!
Extra big womb-beaming thanks to SJ for embodying the feminine in a way that inspires me daily, and holding space for us so magnificently. Words can’t express my gratitude for you! ”