Mother, “matr”, matrix of all creation.
Creatrix of life, world-bridger and birther of life.
I honour you and bow before you in the deepest love and devotion.
rewild the mother
This journey is the rawest transmission that has birthed through me. Steeped in the wisdom that comes from walking the path of the Mother over the past 6 years.
This journey emerges from my own personal experience of the suppression of the primal pulse of the mother…
The dancing with fiery primordial mother rage and stagnancy in the body…
And what is feels like to walk as woman who challenges the conditioning of the disconnected domination culture of our world. Choosing to “fit out” rather than “fit in”, listening to inner wisdom and the resonant voice of the mother womb.
The often clunky descent into the underworld on the initiatory path of infinite becoming, and all the layers shed in the process. Sometimes effortlessly, sometimes painfully…
Mostly not pretty in the process of constant rebirth of identity as we root down into the mature feminine.
Rewilding and enlivening as we drink from the deep current of the primordial waters of Her.
Reawakening sensuality + eros after crossing this threshold.
Finding your way in these new waters of life.
Fully embracing the wonders of this season, whilst staying open, clear and alive.
For too long we have been domesticated, disconnected from our innate wisdom, from the wild feminine current. Living and mothering in a paradigm of a disconnected domination, patriarchal culture.
Roots cut, unplugged from the primal pulse of the Mother, even distrusting Her as we have come so far from the hum of Her womb.
Confined to a blinkered view of reality, rather than accessing the bigger picture through a soft gaze and rooted pelvis.
Submitting to a sense of powerlessness, a loss of self agency, rather than surrendering into the infinite support that upwells from within.
Taught to reach outside of ourselves, to over intellectualise, rather than resting back into the throne of the body, and trusting the energy and primal wisdom that arises.
Trusting ourselves as conduits of the Mother in all her shades of shadow and light.
the time has come to drop deeper
to access the inner wild
to ride the current of mother rage
disrupting and decolonising the system that tries to dominate and confine us
submerging in the well of power that simmers within us
welcoming back the parts of ourselves that have been pushed down and cast aside
descending into the mystery school of the body to deeply feel,
alchemising suppressed emotion and pain into creative power
igniting the fire of eros, restoring the template of our natural animal bodies.
wild body, wild sexuality, wild womb voice, wild agency.
4 weeks of inner work, release and activation
a deeply somatic journey, filled with tools to support and questions to percolate on your walk as mother. supported by the mother.
“Stepping into a container with Sarah-Jane is like entering the womb of the Mother. She carries a depth of embodied wisdom from walking this path and living the teachings. Her journeys are real, raw and authentic filled with earth medicine and the powerful cosmic transmission she offers from her womb. ”
this journey is for women + mothers who desire to:
listen in and cultivate deeper trust with the primal pulse of life. anchoring deeper into your centre, to ride the waves with ease and alignment.
to clear and open creative channels, accessing the potency of mother rage as the fuel to stoke your inner fire
awaken eros and sensuality, the ecstatic current of aliveness. reconnecting with pleasure and the shifts of sexuality in your mother rebirth.
feel the full expression of who you are, no matter the season of your life
rest into deeper receptivity, to be filled by the current of the mother
a taste of the journey:
module 1 :
earth mother. accessing the dark primordial Mother, trusting the descent. deep womb roots drink up ancient wisdom. reconnect to the primal pulse and activate wild instincts. trusting life. trusting yourself. restoring agency. rooting into and rewilding the pelvic bowl as centre compass. understanding ancestral imprints.
module 2 :
fire mother. accessing the potency of mother rage. cultivating a relationship with rage to strengthen boundaries, will and agency for yourself and your children. finding freedom from within the confines of life. alchemising pain and stagnancy into wild power. rage as creative fuel and the fire of love.
module 3 :
water mother. deepening into erotic motherhood. sensual body rediscovery. awakening sexuality in the wilds of postpartum. igniting the flame of eros and giving yourself to explore pleasure from within deep motherhood. to give space to the fullness of you.
module 4 :
air mother. rebirthing the mother. the initiation of matrescence. accessing the mature feminine. reparenting the mother. drinking from the nectar of devotion. submerging in the Mother current, filled by the journey of Mother becoming. Special wisdom guest Sarah of Magdalene.
special wisdom guide:
Sarah of Magdalene - author of Maiden to Mother, mature feminine rites of passage way shower and powerful mother voice of our time.
444 euro
or upgrade to receive 3 x 1:1 sessions with me for an additional 300 euro
Payment plans available - just ask.
modules include:
1 x recorded teaching call
video and audio embodiment practices
written material, journalling prompts
special guest transmission
lifetime access to content