How to know when your heart is speaking to you…
You’ve heard about it…
You know you try to do it…
But you’re not really sure when it’s happening for real…
Tuning in and listening to the heart is the most important thing I do in my daily practice as it is from this place I receive my greatest guidance.
You see…
Our heart is our portal to the divine or Source energy. It is through this space that we can access the experience of pure love and the state of Oneness with all things and the Universe. Our heart is the crystalline spark that allows us to bring it all together. Our roots connect us to the earth (drawing every up / and grouding it down), our crown opens to the heavens (drawing down & sending it back up) and all of this energy meets in our heart space.
Our heart is also like amini brain with its own neurotransmitters (same amount as the brain) and an electromagnetic field 5,000 times greater than the brain. And as part of the process of connection to the earth and the ether (as mentioned above) this field creates a torus field… this same field that every single piece of atomic matter in the Universe has. This same field is what we think about when we visualise our merakaba.
After years of disconnecting from the truth and placing too much responsibility to our brain now is the time to reconnect with the wisdom…
to open yourselves
to listen
and receive the messages being delivered to us by our heart
And how do I know what it is my heart v. my head talking…?
This is a great question…
When your head speaks to you it is often convoluted by fear, doubt and all the bullsh#t that our head spins us all the time.
When your heart speaks it is simple, clear and probably of few words… or perhaps no words at all. Perhaps it is a feeling or a symbol or a knowing.
Heart speak is more grounded and pure… with no questions or worries… it just is.
How to drop into the heart:
I drop into my heart space through awareness and heart breath which, literally described, is breathing in and out through the heart…
and when I do it I focus on and inhale and exhale of love and compassion.
And I find the messages are most clear after a good 5 minutes of heart connectivity or during my meditation, when I feeling most clear I ask my heart for guidance.
Like today… my head has been too busy and fearful for me to find grounding so my husband tuned in instead.
He asked (due to my fear of the possible major earthquake on the West Coast of America predicted for the next few days)…
“Is it a good idea for us to get out of here?”
And the answer was clear…
“YES… No need to panic, or to rush but yes… it is time to move on.”
And so we are…
And so it is…
Love you xx