Rose Oil

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Rose Oil


Sacred to the Goddess Isis, the essence of the rose is one of the most high frequency oils on earth (320mhz). We reach for her when we wish to raise our vibration and return to divine love as she carries the codes of Divine Mother.

She is the Divine Feminine of oils and works directly with heart chakra (and its corresponding thymus glad) to rebalance and open to give and receive love.

This oil blend includes a sizeable dose of pure rose oil and pure argan oil, blessed up with the frequency of the Mary, Magdalene, Hathor Rose linage.

The oils is infused with the codes of Divine Mother. Anoint yourself and others as part of your spiritual practices, to ignite remembrance your expanded form. The you that exists across all space time realities.

This oil will lift your mood and open your heart and is also great for the skin, immunity boosting, libido, stress and muscle pain, womb care, the cardiovascular system, purification.

This is another tool that guides your path as a priestess of the rose.

Product - 10ml oil blend of pure rose oil + argan oil

I have personally compared my rose oil to another major oil brand you will know (guess) and my own blend is by far more powerful. I feel so lucky that this rose found me (thank you higher self) and has been integrated into my life for many years, even before I really came to know the significance. My early yoga students will remember the magical rose oil that I anointed them with every class… blowing their hearts wide open.

Now it is time to share this oil with my wider sisterhood…


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